23 January 2010

i lov my swet heart

Your sweet as honey, Your pure as Gold, Your light as air, You lift my soul, You say sweet words, You lay and sleep, You've given so many nights for me, Your pure at heart, You share your love, You've given me all of the above, You say you love me...And I love you, And so I'd like to give something to you, A promise that should never break, A promise I could never fake, My hand is yours, My life is too, As we walk together, I'll limp with you, So dont despare for I am here, Waiting for you to get so near, Not long to wait, These restless nights, And days weve had to stand and fight, Ones heart desires to not give up, For what will come will be enough, More than a dream, I've longed for you, That beautiful man, So sweet, So true, And now I'll finnish with a line, To make you smile, and laugh, not cry, So here it goes, From whiterose to the dew, I love you, My lovely, Sweetheart....

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